Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 19-23

Well the last month has gone by in the blink of an eye.  We had a great time at the beach with the baby reveal, and since then it has been non-stop.  Pete and I have more things going on then we do hours in the day.

Here is what we have been up to:

Liam is becoming more of a big boy each day.  He really is so smart and knows all kinds of things.  He is even starting to read books that he memorizes- pretty impressive for a 22 month old.

Week 19: I did my first taste of shopping for a girl- so many cute frilly things.  Pete is nervous about all the shopping happening.  Lets just say her nursery will definitely be over the top girly!  We have been talking about it and actually made the decision to move her room to the current guest room.  This way if she cries, she hopefully won't wake up Liam like she would being right beside him.

Week 20-21: We had a great and busy last few weekend with lots of plans.  We had a few toddler dinners that were super cute with our friends, Danielle, Colleen, Katie, & Sarah.  The little 2 year old boys play till they pass out around 9:30pm.
We even busted out the firepit and let them make smores.

Week 22: Last weekend we went to our neighbor Jen & Jay's Halloween bash and dressed up as a bun in the oven team :)  Classic Pete & Heather.  Thanks Mom & Dad for always babysitting so we can have a good time.

Week 23: This week I decided to be crafty and make Halloween Treat Boxes for all of Liam's Teachers- they came out cute!

Whew I am tired just thinking about all that! Nothing like fun filled jam packed weekends.  Oh, and I have sold 122 houses year to date-- YAY!

The little bun is growing right along and actually had a check up today- 10-29-13 at 23 weeks.
She definitely is moving around, but is softer for sure than her older brother was. She likes to move the most at night right when I lay down.  Pete has gotten to feel her in action too which is cute.
Just this week her kicks are hard enough to actually see my stomach move.

Here are her 23 week stats:

How far along: 23 weeks or 5.5 Months

Size of Baby- I actually need to look but probably like a butternut squash

Movement- Yes she is kicking around

Total Weight Gain- 3 lbs- I am right on track with where I was with my 1st pregnancy.  My goal is to be back to normal at week 6 like last time.

Cravings- None really

Gender- Definitely Girl- I had April show me twice to be sure because Pete said " that sure does look like a weeny to me"

Names: None yet, we are talking about a few

Nursery: It is in the works!!

Best Moment of the Week: Liam talking about his sissy and he says she is swimming in there.

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