Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Update Week 7-8

Week 7!  Sooo. . .a lot has been happening on this front!
Liam is getting cuter and smarter by the way.  He now can say almost everyone's name, knows a ton of his flash cards, is starting to like going to school Monday & Friday. 
He knows about the baby and says "baby" and points to my stomach- so that is super cute!

Our ultrasound appointment with April went great- we saw the baby's heartbeat and it was thumping away at 122 BPM- that is pretty good for a 6 week, 5 day baby.

Check it out:

We broke the news to our parents recently, so that was exciting!  Apparently, My Mom and sisters have known for a while.  Remember the post a few weeks back about how I told Pete with the 2 for 2 in the oven? Well my Mom had to come over early one morning to watch Liam since he was still sleeping and I had an early work meeting. She went to make Liam his ususal breakfast which is typically waffles and fruit.
Since our kitchen is brand new, my Mom is still learning where everything is.  She gave up looking for a toaster and happened to past by the oven.
Low and behold she saw a shadow. . . . .AKA- I forgot to take the bun and 2 for 2 out of the oven.
She opened it and probably went screaming around the house- if only there was a video camera for that :)
So. . . . .Needless to say when we actually broke the news to them they said " we have knows for weeks, but we kept the secret from your Dad"- haha!

Here are the pics we took of Liam to break the news to them!

Pic 1- Liam being excited about his sister or brother

Pic # 2- Liam " Wait I have to share my toys with them too"

Pic # 3- Liam " Ok I guess I am excited about it Mommy & Daddy :) "


On to week 7-8!

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