Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 29 & 30 Update!

Lots of exciting things going on these days. . . .So much has been happening! Baby M is in the home stretch officially!! We have been trying to get prepared for his arrival with all of the things on the to-do-list!!
Big Event this week was we made a decision on the bedding- WOO HOO!! After the baby shower that is coming up, we will be full on with the nursery.  Up until this point, we have needed both of our guest rooms so much, that we had to hold off.  It is definitely going to be cute- can't wait!!
I think Pete and his friend Andy ( Uncle Zandy) are planning to paint the nursery- that should be interesting :)

Here is a pic that I feel like sums up Baby M ( Thanks to Ashley Chastain). . .Bring on FALL 2011

Baby Stats for Week 29-30:

How Far Along: 30 weeks!

Size of Baby M: About 15.7 inches long-- getting to be tight quarters in there

Baby, fetus at 30 weeks - BabyCenter
Symptoms: Peeing is out of control-- at least 3-4 times at night so sleeping isn't fun if I don't take Unisom.  My doctor said not to feel bad about having to probably take it every night.

Cravings: Oranges and Salad . . .strange I know

Movement:  It is a constant field day in there :)

Gender: BOY!!

Sleep:  It is still happening but not uninterrupted that is for sure.  I am usually good until about 2am- then I wake up and can't seem to go back to sleep.  I heard that was my body's way of preparing me for the lack of sleep I am going to be getting.

Total Weight Gain: No change- still 10 pounds

Position of Baby: Head down

Heartbeat 144 BPM

Best Moment of the Week: Deciding on the bedding-- it is the small things peeps on the big to do list these days that make you feel like you got something accomplished!  Plus I closed 2 really hard deals at work and that was a huge plus :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby M has a playmate on the way!!!

Yay! So excited about one of my favs, Christina ( Teen) who has her own little bun in the oven :)  Pete and I are so so happy for her and Chris and can't wait for baby Murphy to get here in March.  It really is fun having another pregnant friend to go through the process with- Plus, instead of being wino buddies, we can sip on ginger ale at parties :) No 2 pregnancies are alike but oddly enough, Christina and I have had some of the same strange things- haha!  Teen decided that she wants to wait to find out till March what the baby is-- I think that is awesome, but I would never make it. . .the suspense would kill me- haha!!  I am placing bets it's a girl. . .but who knows!!!  I am def pumped that Baby M is going to have some playmates.  I have a feeling more baby news is in the works for some of my other girlies.  Who will be next?? -- stay tuned for that update!!

                                                 Congrats Teen & Chris!! Love you guys- H & P

Sunday, September 11, 2011

28 Week Update!

12 Weeks to go!!!! YESSSSSS!!  I feel really good about all of the major things we got accomplished this week.  I was definitely getting into this funk where Pete and I could not decide on anything ( big or small decision).
So. . .this week: 

*We got a new ride for Baby M-- after alot of research between the Volvo SUV, Acura, Mercedes, Nissan, Infiniti, we went with the Limited 4 runner.  It has all the bells and whistles we wanted and we got a 3rd row which Pete really wanted so we have room when we have more kids.  Love it-- Thanks HUBS!!
Bye Bye BMW!!
*We ordered the stroller-- after some more research we made a change from the Uppa Baby to the City Select.  It really just came down to it doing more things/positions with the adaptors.
*We set up the hospital tour for later this month
*The annual Family C mountain trip got booked-- January this year instead of November since the bun arrives in November.  It will be his first road trip
*We booked the newborn photography session for right after he is born!
*Finished the baby registry for the upcoming shower my Sissy's/BFF's are throwing
*Attempting to decide on the bedding for his nursery- we are down to 2 awesome choices!!!

Things are definitely happening!! So are more contraction episodes- Yikes! This week I had 1 that lasted for about 4 hours.  I was suppose to be going to Charleston with my Mom and Sisters to do some wedding planning for Hay's upcoming big day.  Something told me that wasn't a good idea, which was a good call since the episode happened Wednesday when they left.  I think my doctor is really just chalking it up to the fact that I am small and there is just no room for anything to go so it kind of sends me into a muscle contraction.  As long as I am not dilating and he is moving, they are good with that.

Here are the STATS for week 28!  I'm in the home stretch now and can't wait for November :)  I have a feeling this last trimester is going to be no cake walk, or at least that is what everyone tells me.

How Far Along: 28 weeks + 6 days

Size of Baby M: He is about 2 3/4 lbs-- or a head of cabbage

Baby, fetus at 28 weeks - BabyCenter
Symptoms: Not really feeling that hungry ( strange), heart burn, long contraction pains, def feeling more tired then normal. 

Movement: He is going crazy in there during the day now.  He is head down so I can tell where he feet are ( near my ribs right now)

Gender: Boy!

Cravings: Not really anything specific. . .I am getting off the lemonade kick so that is a change.

Sleep: Totally hit or miss- usually one good night, one bad night pattern

Total Weight Gain: I am getting there- 10lbs now

Best Moment of the Week: Pete was reading on his Baby IPAD app that baby M can open his eyes now and see some light.  So now at night, Pete will shine the flashlight on him and see what kind of movement he does/if he responds- haha!

On to week 29. .. Gotta make a new to-do list!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

27 Week Baby Stats! Pete turns 29 :)

Yesterday the HUBS turned the big 29--- his last year of 20's. . . . .:) Definitely a time of reflections for his years of being in the 20's- haha!  Pete and I were talking about all the things we have accomplished so far in our 20's and the one thing he remembered the most was " Babe ever since we met you have been talking about us having a baby. . ..can't believe we made that happen this year" That is true. . .we have been together since 2005 and I definitely remember us talking about how many kids we wanted, names we liked, how old we wanted to be. . . .I told him we just knew we would be together and started planning the future early on. I think we both feel that we got to experience alot of our goals in the right order: Graduate college, get great jobs, buy our 1st home each, travel to lots of great places ( NYC, Philly, ATL, Paris, Holland, NOLA, Plenty of work sponsored reward trips, Mexico, CA. . . . .) find the right Church in Charlotte, get engaged, get married, be married for at least a yr, and then BABY!!  We made it just shy of our 1st married anniversary, so way to go Baby M!!

We had a really good day and got to start the morning together with a doctors appointment for the little bun.  With all the early contractions that have been happening they wanted to do a total check up to make sure that he isn't trying to come way too early.  I passed the glucose and iron test, had to get an internal check ( no dilating so that is good), heard the heartbeat in the 140's, and all the other normal stuff.  He is already head down, but needs to know he has to bake in there for a while longer- 12 more weeks or so.  Our doctor was happy though and said everything is moving on and I am now starting the 3rd trimester, so I am in the home stretch.
We left the doctors appointment feeling ok about the contractions because my doctor honestly thought that he probably flipped on Saturday morning and that is what brought on the 3 hour contraction episode.  Now that he is head down, she was thinking it might just be a one time deal and I could expect to have some Braxton Hicks, which are no big deal, and maybe some round ligament pain as the uterus continues to get bigger along with the baby.
Ummm. . .not so much! Last night we were at dinner for Pete's birthday with a group of his friends, and all the sudden the same hard, long, tight contractions started.  I thought maybe they would only last for a few minutes, but that turned into a solid 2 hours.  Poor Pete has already had to bust out the contraction timer on his IPAD-- he should be a pro by the end. 
This is really a mystery to me and the other strange thing is everything usually always happens at night. . . . . .

Here is the 27 week scoop!!

How Far Along: 27 Weeks & 4 days

Size of Baby M:  He is about 2 lbs, the size of a head of cauliflower, and 14 1/2 inches long

Baby, fetus at 27 weeks - BabyCenter
Symptoms: Just contraction pain, and getting a little more tired

Movement: He is all over the place

Gender: Boy!

Cravings: Cereal for Dinner

Sleep: Is going pretty good this week. ..sleeping only on my side is still a slight challenge but I am getting used to it.

Best Moment of the Week: Pete's Birthday. Since he is an avid Yankee fan, I got him some cute accessories to watch his first game with his new little son.  He definitely got some other presents, but I am thinking this was his favorite. 

            Look how excited he is- we gotta hope lil guy is a baseball lover like Pete & Dad