Wednesday, January 26, 2011

70 & Sassy!!!! Happy Birthday Gram

She was Fabulous at 50. . .but way more Sassy now at 70 :)
We celebrated Gram's 70th Birthday last night at my Mom's house with a 50's themed party-- SO FUN!
Of course my Mom outdid herself with all the amazing food-- Pete stuffed himself for sure- haha
Mom and Kelly especially worked hard for weeks planning Gram's surprise and making sure all the cute details came together.  We wanted her to have a fun time with just her closest friends and family.

Everyone dressed up in 50's attired, and Oh My the costumes were cute. . . .especially the boys :)
Appetizers consisted of cheese fondue, chix puff pastries, and my Mom's famous stuffed mushrooms.  The champaign was totally flowing. . . .as usual, and great memories were made!

I think Grammy really enjoyed herself and got to cut lose with everyone.  I had decided that we should use the board from our wedding that we could display pictures of the major milestones all through out her life.  I know Gramps would have been chuckling over the pics of Gram from when they got married to now.  It is so funny to look at your Grandmother and realize she was once your age too.
Now, the dress syles. . . .thats a different subject- ha!

I think Gram really loved her new Vera Bradley luggage that we all got her for our big upcoming trip to Mexico!  That is going to be off the charts fun, and I dont think May can get here fast enough for any of us.
I bet BIG Things will be happening between now and May though so that should keep us entertained in the meantime :)

Enjoy the Pics for now


                                                Poodle Skirts & Pink Ladies

Mom, Uncle Ted, & Gram

The White Boys!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The New Lil' One--Welcome to the World Chloe Shannon Chawla!

OMG, my BFF finally had her bundle of girl this past weekend!! Steph and I talked almost every day during her pregnancy so I felt like I knew so many details. Sam made sure to give me all the play-by-plays of labor via text.  Steph did so great and I am really proud of her.  Lil Chloe made it into the world January 16th at 11:43pm, weighing in at 6 lbs 7 oz, and 20" long--she is just beautifully perfect!  Steph & Sam have always called me " Lil One" but as soon as Chloe was born they said " Your not the Lil One any more"- haha!

When Steph was still pregnant we would always talk about Chloe and say, " I hope she has alot of hair, and dark eyes, and I would always tell Steph to make sure her little head didn't get messed up on the way out ( haha).  I have no idea why that freaks me out, but Chloe came out with the perfect head, and the great hair!
After talking to Steph during the beginning of her labor I am definitely really scared-- especially when she said 2 comments: # 1 " Lil one don't ever do this- it is so bad, and # 2 " I think I am drying a slow death at home"- Yikes!
I reminded  her of what she said after the fact, and she just laughed ( don't know what to think that means)

Christie and I are going to visit next month for Steph's birthday after all of the family clears out, and I can't wait.  I already gave Steph the heads up that she will get to do feedings but that is about it- Christie and I will be monopolizing the baby for 3 days. 

Take a look at the pics below of precious Chloe-- the first one is right after birth, and the second is when she is about 3 days old.

Congrats Steph & Sam- love you both!!


Chloe Shannon Chawla
January 16, 2011 11:43 pm

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Fever! You dont even know :)

Oh my. . . .the baby fever has been in full swing lately- haha (especially for me) !! Pete and I talk about our future "bun" ( for any of you that obviously know us, you know that "a bun in the over" will be some how part of us having a child)
We have alot of fun together, and alot of serious chats at the same time.  I think for us, that part of adult life like-- we need to get things in order, is always on our chat list.  We have 2 big accomplishments that we want to have this year.  # 1 Make a Baby, and # 2 Buy Our House :)     ( I know we will get there on both because we are mover shakers)
I love my boss Shannon, and anytime she asks me about my potential "clients"  that I am going to convert-- I always tell her I can't jinx it so she will have to wait and see what happens.  This is how I feel about our future "un conceived bun"
I talk to my Mom about getting pregnant alot, but it just seemed to happen for me that I went from not being ready, to being totally ready in 0-60 seconds! haha
I am really nervous for some reason ( I called my OB the other day with 20 questions and she is awesome)  I love her and reallllyy hope she is my doctor on the future big delivery day.
I don't want us to tell anyone for a while when we get prego, and that will be so incredibly hard for me seeing as how I see my FAVS and my family all the time. I wanted the initial excitement to be between me and HUBS because we will only experience the first baby 1 time ( Mom & Sissy's- you know it will be so hard for me at first ) I can imagine it now, the first time I am out with my girls to dinner and the waiter comes to take our drink order-- everyone will order the usual wine/cocktails and I will say " I will just have a water."  I can see it now, we will all get these huge smiles and I wont be able to lie- haha! 
This is so funny that I think about this now, but this is why I created this blog. . . . . .  I wanted to be able to write down all of my thoughts/emotions since I just feel really great about this year, and no one will know until I am ready to make this blog live :)  I want to remember everything about all these special moments.
I have all these great ideas ( My peeps know I research everything and like to be different from everyone else) and I think my favorite one of all is 1.) The idea I have to tell Pete I am pregnant, and then # 2) My Mom's expression when she finds out.  She is going to be the HOTTEST GEE GEE ( my Moms cute Italian name for Grandma) ever!!! My Mom and I have always been so close, I know it will be torture for me not to tell her. . I mean we talk like 5 times a day- if I am throwing up at all- she will know!
Any hoo-- I have all these fab ideas so hopefully I can pull them off.
My second favorites idea is the Reveal that I have planned to tell my Family ( stay tuned)!!!!

I love that Pete and I got to experience life in our 20's-- I love especially how we got to watch each other succeed, grow, and travel together- haha!!  I fall more in love with my HUBS everyday.  I think it really melts my  heart ( I am usually not overly emotional) when we talk about our future baby.  He is so freaking sweet, and all I can think about is our wedding letters that we wrote to each other.  I knew that Pete always thought I would be a great Mom, but those wedding letters really made me shed a tear .( don't worry I was prepared with the Kleenex in between the boobs and it was caught on our wedding video :)

Ok, so next thought-- although I am so super girly and definitely would love to have a girl, everyone thinks I am anti having a boy.  I honestly can say I just want a healthy baby- Boy or Girl!
I want what God wants to give me.  He knows me best ( literally) so he knows what is up with the sex of the baby.  See Pete wants a boy of course, which I get, because he wants a lil baseball team.  I am sure him and my Dad would have a little league team and definitely name it the Yankees- haha!  That totally just came to me. 
I love girls but that is really because of the strong bond my sisters and I have with each other-- and because I heart everything PINK.  You really can't explain that sister-to-sister bond when it is special ( love you Kel & Hay).  We didn't always get along when we were younger, but as we got older-- OHHH things started changing. I just want that close knit relationship that I had with my Sisters and Mom!

So. . . .I love it that this lil secret is between Hubs and I , BUT our big plan is for our "Bunny Moon" ( Pete came up with this Bunny Moon name boys!!! { Adam, Abe, Andy} ) when we go on the Mexico Trip!!! Woo Hoo!  If It were up to me, we would be in trying mode now, but Dr. Jain said to just have some fun on the trip in May and see what happens! I still love the Bunny Moon name even if I can't take credit for the name. 


Next Post: The NAME CHANGE :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wow! It is 2011

So. . . .I got the idea to create this blog because I feel like there are so many great things that are going to happen in 2011.  Pete and I are loving our first year as Newlyweds-- no shock there though :)  It was really awesome to spend our first Christmas together as Mr. & Mrs.
I am so not the type to write eveything down or post my life story on Facebook ( sorry Haley- haha) but I wanted to do this blog so that I can look back on this great time in our lives and remember those feelings.

Here are my favorite things from 2010!

1. Planning the Wedding and Getting married to my Babe- 4*16*10
2. Finding out my BFF was pregnant with Chloe
3. All the fun trips we took ( Charleston, Mexico, Philly, New York, Atlanta, PA)
4. Grammy surviving her Cancer
5. Christmas Together ( My Favorite Holiday)
6. All the special times with our Friends
7. Making my Quota and wining Pete an Ipad for Christmas

2011 will top 2010 I have a feeling:

First Up on the H & P 2011 to-do list:
1. Sell a house ( one of the two of ours) so that we can build the dream house we want with Pete's man cave basement
2. Plan at least 2 trips to places we want to go to, but have not visited yet
3. Our 1 Year WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ( can't believe it is coming up)
4. Figure out what is next with our lil family :)
5. For me to sell alot of homes, meet my quota, and win lots of prizes like normal
6. Do my name change ( Yes, I know it has been 9 months)
7. Finally Big Birthdays & Events this year- Grammy turns 70, Mom turns 50,  & Haley  graduates college -- Woo Hoo welcome to the REAL WORLD full of bills-- J/K
Jam packed year and its only 1-4-11

:) HCM