Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2 For 2!! :)

This was originally written about 6/21/13

So, I have been meaning to keep a blog going so I can document all of the fun things Liam is up to these days.  He really is amazing smart little boy, and does new things every day.
So. . . another reason I have been wanting to get back into doing my blog is that Pete and I recently started talking about bun # 2.
I have had baby fever for a while, so that is no secret! Pete on the other hand, is obsessed with Liam and does'nt think he will be able to spread all his love over 2 babies- haha!

So back in early June we decided to "see what happens".  We tried that with Liam and it was a one shot deal.  I told hubs that it might not be that easy round # 2, but he of course being optomistic said his classic line of " babe I am fertile so this will be no problem".

We started just "seeing what happens".  I know my cycle to a T, except for the last 2 months have been off so I wasnt really sure.  Then. . .. . ..things started happening and I started to wonder, maybe this is shot 2 for 2 :)  I started having some of the same symtoms I did with Liam- being really tired, going to bed by  930pm, a lot of cramping, and a few other things.
On Father's Day I really thought I might be prego so I took a test and it was negative.  I was a little sad becaause I thought that would be cool to tell Pete he was going to be a Dad again on Father's Day.
I waited a few more days and still no sign of Aunt Flow. 

This morning June 20th, I woke up at like 6:20am because I had passed out last night at like 9:00 or 9:30.  I just woke up with a feeling that I was prego. I took a test and boom- positive.
I so wanted to tell Pete because I knew he was getting up for work.  Part of me though- he is going to wonder why the heck I am up at 6:20am when that never happens.
I was almost going to tell him when he came down stairs, and then I thought- no, I have to do something more fun than just busting it out. 

I know he already thinks I am pregnant because he is has been saying that for a week now. I can predict the words out of his mouth as I know he will be so proud of the " shot 2 for 2"
Hmmm. . . . .I am on the hunt to find a cool way to tell him. . ..gotta get it figured out today and incorporate Liam some how :)

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