Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our NeWesT PrOjEcT!!!

This has been a long time coming. . . . . . MOVING!!! YESSS
Our place now is just too small with all the baby stuff!  I guess we will be slum lords forever since we now will have 2 rental properties. Yikes! Hopefully nothing goes hay wire so Pete and I can keep it together!

We really are super excited to build our first house together!  This will be a great community for Liam and his future siblings to grow up, play at the amazing pool, and for us to have a wooded view :)
It is going to be a long road I have a feeling as our builder inst the swiftest when it comes to being timely.  We are hoping to move in around Thanksgiving- hopefully before Liam's 1st Birthday.

Here is the beginning of our newest project- follow along the journey!

Getting the Place UNDER CONTRACT!! Was an act of God - seriously, but step 1 in the right direction. 

Clearing the lot for the basement- AKA Pete's man cave!

Pouring the Basement Walls

Can't wait for the Fall!! Time to shop for some serious furniture

7 Months!

WoW!! It has been 7 months!  Time flies with a baby- I can't believe Liam is already 7 months old.  It has been forever since I even thought about doing an entry.  Since I am not a fan of baby books, this is a better way of documenting what Liam's newest thing is.
He really is the best baby and has brought so my joy into mine and Pete's lives.  We love him so much we fight over him- haha!  We have lots going on with all the normal things like work, friends, baby, plus we are building a new house that will hopefully be ready Oct/Nov 2012!!

Over the last 7 months here are some fun facts about Liam:

1.  He is a great sleeper- going 12 + hours at night
2.  He loves his pacifier and his toy bee
3.  He hates water
4.  He rolls over constantly, is starting to sit up/attempt to crawl
5.  He already knows how to get his way
6.  He has lots of names: Liam, pumpkin, chub-a-wub, hotdog,
7.  He finally is now in the 25% percentile for weight
8.  He loves the pool and bath
9.  Loves organic baby food ( strawberries & spinach/peas/pears are his favorite)
10. Looks like a mixture of Pete and I both

Here is a recent picture of him!