Saturday, July 23, 2011

21-22 Weeks!! The Start of the Bump!!

 Almost 22 Weeks!!!

 He is making an appearance finally. . . .

Pete calls this one: " We now know there for sure is a bun in there"

I think the last 2 weeks have been the ah ha moment of " I am definitely pregnant".  I definitely cannot complain as some chicks have it so much worse.  I  thought I was sailing through (well except for the scary beginning parts) but now some of the classics are definitely in the picture. . heart burn, back pain ( I think most of this is from a previous back injury that I have) and just starting to feel uncomfortable. I told Pete this week that even though the lil bun is still really small and just now started to pop out, it starts to get a little overwhelming to think about the weeks left and how much worse the back pain will probably get.  Maybe I will be wrong. . .that would be awesome.  Good thing is I have an amazing Chiropractor and he prepped me that about this time I would probably be paying him a visit.

Week 21-22 Update!

How far along: Almost 22 Weeks

Size of Baby M: 1 Pound or the size of a spaghetti squash ( next time I am at the grocery store I will have to check out a spaghetti squash)

Cravings:  I don't think that I really had any this week. . . . .

Symptoms: Leg cramps in the middle of the night, and lower back pain.  I chipped one of my molars this week too so I am dreading calling the dentist-- I hate the drill!!!

Total Weight Gain:  I still have to buy a scale- haha! I'm going to the doctor Friday so I am banking maybe +3

Movement: He is doing alot of wiggling and kicking.  For the most part, I only feel him kick on the left side, but he must have flipped this week because I started feeling it on the right side as well.  He is really good about kicking when it comes to Pete feeling him.

Best Moment of the Week:  The start of planning Haley & Josh's wedding, and the lil bun finally popped out I feel like.  I just started telling some of my clients that I am pregnant and most of them were in shock when I told them I was 5 1/2 months already- haha!

Sleep: It is getting better-- just learning to sleep on my side totally and not my back.  Definitely better this week then last week.

Best thing Pete said this week:  " Babe do you realize we will have a baby soon??" It must have just hit him :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

20 Weeks!! Half Way There Already!

Wow- I can't believe that the pregnancy is already half way over. . . .actually I can because Pete and I have known since week 4.  I think it seems not as long because we didn't even really tell anyone until 9 weeks at the earliest.  I remember my Mom's reaction: " How is the baby due in November? You held out that long telling me?". 

Let's just talk about how spoiled this baby is going to be: ever since we found out what he was.. . .My Mom Sisters, and I ( of course- I love to shop) have been on a major shopping spree.  I get a text every day from one of my 3 girls about all the stuff they are buying.
I get a text from Haley just yesterday: " I bought __________ his Easter outfit"- hilarious!
He isn't even out of the womb yet and they are 2 Holidays ahead already :)  Next outfit up on the list: Christmas-- my favorite Holiday!  I think the excitement of our little bundle of blue being the first really just is an overwhelming joy!  I can't wait for November to get here.

Week 20 Update!

How far along: 20 Weeks + 5 days

Size of Baby M: About 10oz- the size and length of a Banana

Cravings: Lemonade-- probably because it is seriously 100 degrees here

Symptoms:  Leg cramps at night and then sleeping good is really hit or miss.   Usually one night is good, the next night is bad.

Total Weight Gain: Not sure. . .maybe a little

Movement: Yes! He definitely does alot of wiggling at night- it is really cute.  This past week Pete and I got nervous because almost 2 days went buy and I hadn't felt anything.  Pete ran out to buy a baby Doppler so we could make sure he was hanging out in there.  His favorite place to kick is the left side.  Haley finally felt him yesterday :)

Best Moment of the Week:  2 Things: The plans for the nursery are in progress.  Some things are on order, and then other parts have been picked out. . .The nursery will be out of control cute.  I didn't want to do something generic so I tried to incorporate different pieces. The BUMP is coming out-- its still really small, but there now.

Sleep:  Is hit or miss.  The new thing is I wake up between 3-4am totally wide awake some nights.  I can't go back to sleep half the time until around 6:30am and then Pete's alarm starts going off.  Other nights, I do totally fine.  I know my doctor said I can take Melatonin, I just feel bad doing it every night.

Best thing Pete said this week: " I just really love you two"

Friday, July 8, 2011

Who knew baby items would be so $$$ !!???

4 Girls in the fam = Project BABY NURSERY & Shopping underway!!  Pete, Josh, & Dad. . . .get READY!!

This past Monday, which was actually July 4th, we made it a family adventure to Buy Buy Baby!!! Everyone got enlightened on the fabulous baby items kids can style around in these days. We started in the stroller department and made a decision on the perfect stroller for Baby Boy M!!
The Uppa Baby Stroller has alot of features we like, and also has the cool bassinet, which I have a feeling will come in quite handy.  I really was leaning towards the Bug A Boo, because I could get these cool covers that you could change out.  We decided to go with Pete's choice of the Uppa Baby for the larger storage on the bottom.  Since he will be Mr. Dad on the weekends, he had to have a big say :)

Pete is super happy we went with his choice! Uppa Baby Stroller

Haley & Josh strolled around with the mack Daddy $1000 + stroller-- what is it the Porsche of strollers?
Does it wheel itself?  It was really mind blowing what this one costs. The manufacturers are smart-- they appeal to the parents and what we want these days! CONVENIENCE! 

Happy 4th!!!

18-19 Week Stats!

The art of getting pregnant really is a miracle!!  I know every Mom out there feels so blessed with their bundles of baby.
* My favorite part of this verse is: "When I was made in the secret place"

Psalm 139: 13
13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.

Week 18- 19 Stats!
The past 2 weeks have definitely been action packed. . .We had Baby M's Gender Reveal Party, We are working on moving (I will do a separate posts on these plans), We got the baby furniture ordered, working on the nursery decor, selecting a pediatrician, and working on the name.

How Far Along: 19 weeks + a few days

Size of Baby M: about 9 oz

Cravings:  Yes!!  This week it has been chocolate cake & sweets :)

Symptoms: Overall I am doing really good.  Just lots of drinking and peeing.  Sleeping is getting difficult now since I have to learn to not sleep on my back anymore.  The boppy unfortunately, was not a success. 

Total Weight Gain:. . . . . .Making progress people-- Finally at the 107 mark, so I am + 1 in the positive.

Movement: First baby kicks were felt this past Sunday, July 3rd in the car when we were on our way to dinner with friends.  He definitely does alot of squirming in the morning and at night, and then the kicks come.  Pete's favorite time of night is waiting for his next move- haha!  My Mom, and Kelly also have gotten to experience feeling him move. 

Best Moment of the Week: Has to be the first baby kicks- that was such a cool first time feeling that I will never forget.

Gender: Baby Boy :)

Sleep: This gets it own category now!!! I don't have a problem falling asleep, its staying asleep that is the struggle.  Pete and I have tried lining up the pillows, & using the adult boppy pillow, but I still end up waking up on my back.  I know it is ok for right now, but I only have a few more weeks until they highly recommend not doing that due to blood flow.  Then there is the peeing 3 times a night. . . . . .so-- hopefully it will get better.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pink or Blue??? The 411 on Baby M's Gender Reveal Party!


I don't know where to start. . .this will be a long post.  The Reveal Party was just such a fun experience and something we will never forget.  Pete and I both were involved with the planning and loved every minute of it.  A huge thanks to our family and closest friends that really made it fun.  It honestly would not have been the same without our special group and we so appreicate you traveling to be here on a Holiday weekend. We are so grateful for each one of you and feel so blessed by how excited and involved you all want to be in Baby M's life.  This kid will be so spoiled!!!

So. . .I will give you the play by play of the night and what went down :)

THE INVITATION: So since I love to research everything, Tiny Prints is one of my favorite stationary websites.  They are also my go to place for thank you and Christmas Cards.  They allow you to customize alot, which I love instead of being generic.  Pete and I had it narrowed down to 2 and for some reason we just fell in love with this one.  It was gender neutral and I could really see the theme coming together. 
Check out Tiny Prints!

THE COLORS & Decorations : We went with Pink, Green, and Blue for the decor theme.  For the decorations I wanted to keep it fun and yet baby festive.  The owl theme from the inviation got carried throug as well.  The onezies that we had made, ( you can see them from the April previous post) made an appearance and were totally used as an adorable banner for the mantle with mini closepin clips.  I had all the cards out too that everyone has sent.  We had Pink and Blue cups and you were suppose to drink out of whatever color you picked for your guess of gender.  My Mom had these fun paper balls that were in the colors I wanted so we used that over the food table. 

THE CAKE ( More like a Master Piece): Major props to the one and only Miss Lisa Vaccaro.  She has been like a second parent since I met her 20 something years ago-- I think I was maybe 6.  As soon as I was telling her about my idea, she immediately volunterred to make our special cake.  Literally she should be a professional as this thing looks identitcal to my invitation.  The baby cake is what Pete and  I cut into to reveal if it has pink or blue icing.  LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE BABY CAKE!!!

THE FOOD: So I had read about some ideas we could do that would be cool for a gender reveal party. . .. then it came to me.  We had to include things about Pete and I.  Since I have just now broken even in the weight department from pre-pregnancy weight, I have to say. . .I have not had a ton of cravings.  I tend to gravitate towards the healthy things I ate before pregnancy with just a few splurges.  Pete on the other hand- he can put down some food and still manage to keep an 8 pack of abs.  I wanted to create a non-traditional menu that would be all the favorite things that we both love-- thats how I came up with Heather & Pete's Cravings for the menu items.  I picked what I wanted and then I let Pete pick what he wanted to have.  Needless to say, his friends loved his menu since he had Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, Pizza, and Buffalo Chicken Dip :)
My Mom and I found this really cute chalk board and we had the menu posted on that.

TEAM PINK & TEAM BLUE: This was one of the best parts of the night.  There was a large group pulling for Blue.  Everyone was suppose to wear PINK or BLUE depending on what they thought Baby M was.  Clearly from the pic, you can tell that Team Blue had more votes- haha!


VS. PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE SPECIAL PEOPLE: Blessed is what I can say about this group of people.  They are all so special and mean the world to Pete and I.  I am so glad that Family and Friends were able to be there for this special news.  We love and appreciate all of you.  Mom & Sissy's-- Thanks so much for all of your help with the prep and clean up. 

          ALL THE LADIES!!!

AUNT STEPH Dialing in from CT!!! I think she is still in shock that her Chinese Gender Chart was wrong- haha!

  Mom & her Best Friend, Miss Lis ( AKA: Master Cake Woman)

     THE BOYS!!


The ENGAGED LADIES!!!  Congrats to Haley, Mandy,  Em & Kristina- all getting married in 2012

TIME FOR THE BIG MOMENT: CAKE CUTTING!!!  Please watch my Dad's face on the video-- he wants a BOY so bad!!!

Everyone crowded around & my other Best Friend Stephanie was at the party via FACETIME on my IPHONE. . . .. . and we sliced into the baby cake. . . .was it PINK or BLUE??

See how it all went down-- my Dad's reaction is priceless ( see bottom right hand corner)

IT'S A BOY!!!!

The inside showed the blue icing- Precious!!

  THE PROUD GIGI & POPPY!!!  Their 1st Grandchild is on the way

LOVE, H & P, & Baby M

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Note to My Hubs!!

*** This was written Monday night, June 27th***

To My Babe-
It is so hard to believe that tomorrow at 8:30am, our lives will be forever changed.  I can't believe the pregnancy is already almost half over, and we finally get to know the sex of our lil baby.  I know we both have so much built up anticipation about tomorrow, 6/28/11 the big reveal day for us as Mom & Dad.  All I have thought about the last few days are all the sweet things you said on our wedding day in the letters we wrote to each other ( makes me want to watch the wedding video- tear!).  They were so heartfelt and sweet and it is hard to believe we have been married for over a year and will be welcoming our first bundle of baby in a few short months.  I have wanted to be a Mom forever -- I remember us talking about having kids and what it would be like even before we were engaged.   I want to be the best Mom that you have always pictured me being.  I know you will be be the best Dad, and I can only imagine what a softy you will be with all of them ( hopefully we squeak out 4 lil ones) !! I can see it now-- you will just melt. 
I know what we have is so special and rare and its nothing that can even be explained in words-- I can't imagine going through this journey without you by my side and can't wait to see you become a Father.   I have seen your eyes light up the first time we saw the heart beat, and the big smiles that we get on our faces every time we talk about our lil bun in the over ( well except when we talk about names-- that never goes well- haha).  Think about all the nights before we go to bed that I have asked you " what do you think the bun is"
Up until this week you thought girl. . .. .but now you think maybe a boy. . . .WE WILL SEE!!

Our top priority is the health of the baby and I just pray everything goes well at the ultrasound.  I have imagined in my mind over and over when they ask us if we are ready to know how we will feel and what our heartbeats will be- hahah!!.  The gender reveal party on Saturday is going to be such a great memory for us to always cherish and I am so grateful for the awesome friends and family that we have who want to support and be part of Baby M's life.  Here are some of the funny thoughts I have had this week that made me laugh out loud where ever I was--
1. Wonder if we will be able to not find out and wait until everyone else finds out--- NAHHH probably not!! We have been busting at the seems for a week dying to know. You are like a kid with a piece of candy when you have something you want to squeal, and the first thing that comes to my mind was the excitement you had with my new Tacori ring-- you could hardly wait to get that sparkly thing on. 
2. Can you believe my Mom and sisters think the appointment is Friday? If they knew it was today they would be on me like white on rice trying to come up with any clue possible.
3. Wonder if we will ever agree on a full name-- my prediction is we will have to see the baby to make a decision.
4. We will be like 2 giddy kids the rest of the week waiting to bust out the news on Saturday.
5.  Ask me what I never told you after we find out the sex of the baby.

I just love you HUBS and can't wait for us to become parents together.  The thought of you changing diapers and dealing with night time feedings makes me laugh too.  I hope I do ok post baby so that you are not too overwhelmed.  Only 11 more hours- YAH for us becoming parents!!

Your Wifey