Saturday, August 27, 2011

25-26 Week Update!

Almost to the 3rd Trimester!! It has been a busy last 2 weeks.  Adam, Kate, Wyatt, and Callie all came down for a visit last weekend.  It was great to see them and to get to spend time with the kids.  The boys took Wyatt to a baseball game, while Kate, Callie, & I had some girl time and went stroller shopping.  We might be making a switch to the stroller scene.  I know we have plans to have more kids, and hopefully not too far apart, so we started thinking about getting something that works for adding on an additional seat. . . . .maybe the City Select Stroller.  I really don't think some people thing past just 1 child, but have you seen what all this stuff costs? That will make you plan ahead.   I still would get all the cool features of the bassinet, and 15 other ways to change positions, so it might just be a possibility for Baby M :)

Check out some pics of the kids-- they are so cute!!

27 Week Update for Baby M!!!

How far along?? 26 weeks and 5 days

Size of Baby M? Check him out- I think he is squished in there
Baby, fetus at 26 weeks - BabyCenter
Symptoms: Major Braxton Hicks Contractions ( Yes, I know already). . .there was a scary episode today where they lasted from 6am-9am and we almost had to go to the doctor to get him checked out.  Apparently, I might be in for this for the next 6 weeks.  Lots of crotch kicking still going on too but I am glad he is active.  I think as a new Mom you need that to know they are ok in there

Movement:  Lots of strong kicking all day and night long now.  Our new favorite thing is to watch him literally move across my stomach at night time.  I was telling Pete that I read in one of the baby books where they start to open their eyes around week 27, so we have been putting a flashlight on him to see if he responds :)

Gender: Boy!!! Is the name picked out?  YES!!! WOO HOO

Cravings: Water/Lemonade, Ice Cream, and Crunchy Things

Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see Pete's reaction when he watches the baby move all over the place.  It really is cute to have an involved spouse.  There is nothing like watching the excitement of your spouse for your child.

Maternity Clothes Ideas: Wear normal things and just improvise-- they make for way cuter outfits :)
I tried the belly band since I can still wear my regular pants but the lil bun hated it, so that brilliant idea is out

Total Weight Gain: I will find out Wednesday at the next doctors appointment.

Third Trimester Starts in a little over a week. . . . .YES HOME STRETCH

Thursday, August 11, 2011

6 months/ 24 Weeks!!

This past week was a whirlwind-- lots of things going in!! Baby M is officially 6 months and he kicks with some force, Haley and Josh closed on their first home ( YAY !), my Mom, Sisters and I completed most of the 2 baby registries, Pete was out of town for about a week :( so Kelly, Haley, and I had sleepovers, My Dad finally felt him kick, and work has been pretty busy ( 8 homes sold in 30 days- woo hoo)!!

Haley & Josh signing their lives away!!

Now that I am at the 6 month mark, I definitely feel pregnant.  That saying of "she has a basketball under her shirt" is how I feel. . . .well its more like a cantaloupe right now.  I still wear all of my same clothes, but I have a feeling that will be changing soon-- might have to invest in the belly band, which basically allows you to where you pre-pregnancy pants/shorts with some extra give -- my kind of maternity wear!!

Lots of people have been asking me about the nursery plans. . . .. there definitely is a vision, I just might wait until after the baby shower to start putting it together as I will need my guest rooms for my BFF's to stay in.
There also is the possibility of us moving should the right house come up, so I didn't want to jump the gun, do the nursery, and then have to move it again.

Here is the 6 Month update!

How far along? 24 Weeks and 3 Days

Size of Baby M: he is the length of an ear of corn- haha!

Symptoms: really just being tired, but nothing too major

Movement: A lot of it, that is for sure! He now moves all through out the day instead of just morning and night.  The kicks can be pretty hard, and I think he likes to do somersaults in there.

Gender: Boy!

Best Moment of the Week: Getting the Baby Registry Started! I stalled so long on my wedding registry that my girlfriends ended up working on it. ..this time, I am more on the ball.  Pottery Barn Kids was pretty quick and easy.  Buy Buy Baby was a little longer ordeal, but let's just say my sisters had a fun time picking out all things they thought you were hilarious.  . .. I can't wait for it to be their turn.  My Mom definitely acted like " these are not my kids right now- haha"  Good thing about buy buy baby is everyone can get 20% off with a coupon by registering for the email


Haley With the Breast Friend

Fun Times. . .Fun Times!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

23 Weeks!!!

This picture sums up what Baby M is up to at week 23!! Might be TMI, but this explains why he has learned the new trick of kicking me in the crotch- def a weird feeling- haha!
The little bun is definitely growing some-- he goes crazy with the kicking first thing in the morning and at night.  This past week it was really cute because my Mom got to feel him in action and I think she was surprised how much more movement was going on.  My dad is probably the only one that hasn't felt him yet, but maybe this week.
Operation registry is underway-- we ( well my Mom, sisters, and I. . . .Pete said he was good and just picked out all the things he liked) prepared ourselves to be at Buy Buy Baby for a few hours, and to be in and out at Pottery Barn Kids.
Great thing about Buy Buy Baby is everyone can get 20% off just by registering their email.  I am definitely really excited about the October baby shower where I will get to see all my favorite ladies- can't wait!!
Everyone wants to know the name-- Pete and I pretty much have decided, we just haven't totally spilled it yet.
His nursery furniture has shipped in and so has the custom chair/ottoman from Bellini ( def excited about that).  I could go crazy in Bellini and the bakery right beside it :)
Yikes now all we need to do is figure out if we are moving so I can get the nursery going.  It will definitely be one of a kind.

Here are a few things that I noticed since I got pregnant:
* I try to recycle more- so odd but I definitely have noticed doing it more since becoming pregnant
* I pay way more attention to my surroundings when I am out now
* I have become slightly forgetfull, but not too bad.
* I hate doing laundry and emptying the dishwasher even more ( both chores the hubs has)
* I don't hate decaf coffee like I thought.

Baby, fetus at 23 weeks - BabyCenter
How far along? 23 1/2 Weeks

Size of Baby M- he is the size of a small doll, or a mango- how cute!!

Cravings: I love Chick-Fil-A's diet lemonade!!!  The fact that it is 100 degrees probably has something to do with it.  Drinking and Peeing are what I spend 20% of my day doing. . .well not really but it feels like it.

Symptoms: Lower back pain, and being crotch kicked by my lil man

Total Weight Gain: So far 5 lbs.  My doctor was really happy and said Baby M is measuring just perfect!  She thinks it is great that I work out 6 days a week.  Apparently my back problem would probably be alot worse if I didn't.  I might even try pregnancy yoga even though I don't think I will like it.

Movement: It is definitely more pronounced and I can tell when he starts wiggling around that the punching is going to start.  I love that he cooperates when Pete is around so he can feel him at night.  Every night Pete will ask me " What is lil _________ doing in there?

Gender: Boy :)
Best Moment of the Week: All the things my sweet husband does.  Having a baby definitely changes your relationship but I think for us it will only make us closer.  Pete is so excited and really cute about it, and can't wait for his lil boy to get here.  I think we feel overwhelmingly blessed about being pregnant.  I feel like everywhere I turn from friends to family, to clients at work people are having a really hard time.  The whole art of it is truly amazing.  What your body does to accommodate another human life is crazy.

Best thing Pete said this week: " Babe you know you have a boy in you".  I swear I think things must hit him weeks later- :)