Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5*30*11 : Mandy's Engaged!!

Oh Wow! Pete and I, and the bun could not be more excited for Mandy & Michael!! They are definitely one of our favorite couples and we have been waiting for this to happen for a long time.  They are really a super sweet couple, who you know are just meant to be together.  I am so thankful that a little shy of 5 years, was our anniversary of meeting each other.  It is really rare to have such a close knit group of friends like we do, and I so love it that Pete and Michael are little buddies too like Mandy and I.  Michael let Ashley and I be part of the process for picking out Mandy's ring.  It was so special becuase we knew what she wanted and were more than willing to help Michael pick the perfect bling for Mandy!
He did soooo good and I know that she is over the moon happy!  Pete and I are so pumped for you guys and this special time in your life.  Just enjoy being engaged as this time only happens once :)
Everyone will try to give you all this advice-- just do things are your own pace. 
Here are some pics of the happy couple and Mandy's new ROCK!!

Love you guys,
H, P & the Tater Tot ( Mandy's name for Baby M)

                                Yah! So Happy for you Guys!

                                              Mandy's Bling!

Friday, May 27, 2011

13 Week Prego Stats!

     Here is what Baby M is doing at 13.5 weeks pregnant!!!  Crazy how a little baby is in there!!
This last week was very eventful as we were in Mexico.  I definitely discovered a few things.  Baby M does not like flying.  On the way down I got super nauseous and had to walk around alot, and drink hot water with lemon ( no clue why that helps me) then once we landed I just didn't feel right the whole day.  My stomach was in knots, and I could just tell Baby M wasn't too happy. . . Yikes! 
Other than that we had a great time. . .I tried to eat Ice Cream everyday since I still need to gain 4 pounds to get back to 106.  The baby bump comes out a little at night, but that seriously has to have something to do with all the bloating you feel at this stage.  I have talked to Steph and Kate about so many different things to do with pregnancy.  Several of the big things they said really stuck with me, so I wanted to share with all the Moms- to-be, and all the girls thinking about being pregnant:

Steph's Thoughts: 
* She highly reccomends to everyone trying to get pregnant to use: http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/. I am going to do a whole seperate posts on all the great things they have and how you can save $$.
*Take an additional 400 MCG of Folic Acid in addition to your pre-natal vitamin.  
*Don't listen to all the negative stuff you hear from people about pregnancy, and if you have a friend that is thinking of getting pregnant, don't mention to them how many times miscarriage happens- that is the last thing they want to hear.  I agree totally!!
*Get a 12 week neucal screen.  This is a 2 part test done at your OBGYN's office that checks for genetic abnormalities around 9-12 weeks.  Even if you are the type that would not do anything if something were wrong ( which I never would for sure), this just allows you to have an ultrasound at 12 weeks vs. waiting until 18-20 weeks for the fetal anatomy.  ( I did this and it was awesome-- Pete and I got to see our lil bun right before Mexico so my mind was way more at ease).
*Not everyone is sick with pregnancy and everyone is different, so if you are not sick, be thankful!
*Don't freak out at week 13 if you had a small bump and then it goes away.  This is just your body finally getting on track with digestion since your new lil baby has been in the picture.  Things may flatten out, but they will be back :)
*You might get sick right before you go into labor and that is a big sign.  Is it true that if you want to get labor moving you should have Sex?  Steph says= YES!

Kate's Thoughts:
* She also recommends the neucal screen and mentioned it will just give you as a Mom piece of mind.
* One of her favorite pregnancy books was: "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy"
* What to Expect when you are Expecting is a good reference guide to go to with questions.
* It is ok to bottle and breastfeed early on especially if you know you are going back to work early
* It is ok if people come up to you and tell you, you look really small to be X amount of weeks pregnant.     (Kate looked about 6 months prego when she had Callie)
*Labor is going to be bad, prepare yourself, but you can do it. 
*When you first come home from the hospital you need some time to adjust to what has just happened and the baby's new schedule.  It is overwhelming with 1 baby, let alone 2 kids.

Love these 2 ladies. . .they always have great words of wisdom!

Baby M Stats at 13.5 Weeks Along

How far Along: 13.5 Weeks Today

Size of Baby M: About 3 inches long

Cravings:  Hmmm. . this week I have actually thought about cupcakes, pineapple, bananas, birthday cake remix ice cream, salty things, and lemonade. No real cravings, just more like I would eat them.  
I honestly really don't eat anything now that I wouldn't before.  I definitely have a very healthy diet, but that is because I want to make sure the baby is getting nutritious food and not junk food. I definitely treat myself to the sweets though! 

Symptoms: I honestly can't complain and feel really blessed. . . definitely do feel sick/heartburn/bloated at night is a new symptom for week 13.  Cramping still happens, but I try to worry less about it now.  I think there is an elephant that sits on my bladder 24/7.  I feel like I have to go every 5 minutes.  Pete's phrase = My wife is a Peeing Machine. 

Total Weight Gain: Need to still get a scale, but I am not thinking a big change from last week.  I am still wearing my normal clothes with no problem.

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting my first pre-natal massage in Mexico, and telling more of our friends: Emily, Preston, Ryan, Linds, Andy, Aaron & Winter, Lisa B :)
& Pete saying: " I just love the both of you" :)

My Thoughts this week: For some reason everyone I know with infertility has really been on my mind.  I think it is so much harder when you are pregnant because you can start to grasp what they are going through, and because you can't imagine how they are getting through it, or how you would feel.  There is 1 really special person specifically that is always on my mind.  She is really strong and determined, so I feel so confident that God will work things out and she will be welcoming a precious lil baby here soon.  There are so many great blogs and boards for people to connect with that are a great support group.  I recently read one of a girl who is only 25 and has already been through several rounds of IVF and just found out she has some rare condition.  Even though you don't know those people, your heart goes out to them.

Happy Memorial Day!!
Love, H

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Family Trip to Mexico 2011!!

Baby M Survived Mexico and had a great time and made it back safely!! It was a great family trip and plenty of memories were made:

   Just a few of them include:
*Dad's sudden love for Tequila shots. . . .guess you learn something new everyday
* If Pete drinks Pina Coladas then he doesn't turn red. . .strange seeing as how every other liquor = RED
*Even if you wear 30+ sunscreen and put in on multiple times a day, you can get sun poisoning = OUCH
*Haley & Josh might tie the knot in Mexico next May now :)  Baby M's first time out of the country

The resort was awesome and we saw plenty of crystal blue water.  Dad and I enjoyed snorkeling in the lagoon. Fun Times!  The boys all went golfing, and the girls spent plenty of time at the SPA!

Adventura Spa Palace, Mexico

Gigi & Poppy-- In the trolley on the way to Telum!

                                         Cliffs of Telum
                                          Sissys :)

                                          Hay & Josh
                                         The whole Fam!

                                          Living the Life

                                          13 weeks prego!!

                                          Shot time

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby M's First Photo Shoot!!

Baby M at 12 weeks-- Sleeping :)

Today we got to go for the 12 week ultrasound which was really neat.  Pete and I & My Mom all got to see Baby M in action on the screen.  It was amazing how much you could see at 12 weeks, and how the movements I made, made the baby move as well.  My Mom was in shock since it has been 20+ years since she had an ultrasound and it was nothing like the detail of this.   Everything went perfect and all of the test results/hormone levels are awesome, so it was all around a great visit!  Thank you God for our lil miracle baby. 
Pete got to meet Dr. Jain, who I love!!  I think she is going to figure out how to be my delivery doctor on the big day-- I would love that.  This week has been interesting so I updated the prego Stats!  We leave for Mexico tomorrow- can not wait!!!

How Far Along: 12 weeks + a few days

Size of Baby M: About 2 inches.  My uterus is the size of a grapefruit

Cravings: This week I really wanted a cupcake ( maybe because my B-Day is coming up)

Symptoms: Headaches, Heartburn, and Dizzy spells in the morning

Total Weight Gain: -4 lbs still!  I am going to have to try harder this week. . .Mexico will probably lay a few lbs back on.

Best Moment of the Week: Finally seeing our baby, that looks like a baby now!

Yeah Bring on Mexico- this was Pete and I last year! This year I will be drinking the virgin cocktails

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/14/11 ** Aunt Haley Graduates**!!

Woo Hoo! Haley graduated yesterday and is now offically in the real world :)  Everything went really well the whole day and night. .  ..the rain held off for most part.  Mom of course out did herself on the food, and her and Miss Lis made some Yummy desserts!!  One thing that has come back to me-- my love of DESSERTS!! YES!!

Check out the pics from Haley's big day-- Congrats SISSY-- You made it and Pete and I are so proud of you :)  Hope you enjoyed your day and took it all in. . . . .Next Up-- MEXICO!!

                                Haley's Graduation Cap

           The Future Mr. & Mrs. Courtright

                              The Fam :)
                    The Happy Graduate!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

11 Week Stats!

Just one more week and the 1st Trimester will already be over-- crazy that so many people still don't know!!
We will be off to Mexico next Thursday for some fun in the sun with the whole family!!  Next Wednesday we go for Baby M's 12 week ultrasound - can't wait :)

How Far Along? 11 weeks today

Size of Baby M: About 2 inches so far

Total Weight Gain: ?? Not sure this week but I am thinking I am coming out of the minus at this point.  I think I need to finally buy a scale. 

Cravings:  The appetite is getting better and I am trying to just do small meals through the day! Good news is that I am back on the dessert train-- like usual!!
Still really love lemonade and fresh fruits.

Symptoms: I honestly can not complain and feel so grateful that I have not been really sick as far as feeling barfy.  The hardest part is being tired and that is because I just do not sleep well at night.  All this internal growing has me peeing all night long.

Highlight of the Week: Finally telling Uncle Abe, and celebrating Mother's Day. . . . .I got some cute presents from Mom, Gram, and Hubs!!

 Thanks to Hubs for getting me this book-- lots of fun info and I like to research everything

Really Cute Shirt from Mom, Sissy's and Gram

Still no real bun bump-- but I have a feeling it is going to make an appearance soon!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Baby Love From My 3 Besties!

I went to the mailbox Friday to find 3 really beautiful and sweet cards from my 3 Favs!!! I felt so blessed in that instant that these girls are just so special and I have such a great relationship with them! How did they all do that one the same day- haha!!
Each card was so pretty and had these sweet messages about how excited they are about Baby M.  Mandy has already decided to call the baby a Tater Tot-- hilarious!  My bet on Stephanie is she will come up with "lil one", and Christie, I am not sure yet, but I know there will be something!
I love each one of you more than you know and am so grateful for my girls!!!  I don't think it has hit me yet that I will be someones Mom in about 6 short months.  Pete said it will hit us at the 12 week ultrasound in about a week-- that is probably true!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!!
Love you Steph, Christie, and Mandy :)