Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Note to My Hubs!!

*** This was written Monday night, June 27th***

To My Babe-
It is so hard to believe that tomorrow at 8:30am, our lives will be forever changed.  I can't believe the pregnancy is already almost half over, and we finally get to know the sex of our lil baby.  I know we both have so much built up anticipation about tomorrow, 6/28/11 the big reveal day for us as Mom & Dad.  All I have thought about the last few days are all the sweet things you said on our wedding day in the letters we wrote to each other ( makes me want to watch the wedding video- tear!).  They were so heartfelt and sweet and it is hard to believe we have been married for over a year and will be welcoming our first bundle of baby in a few short months.  I have wanted to be a Mom forever -- I remember us talking about having kids and what it would be like even before we were engaged.   I want to be the best Mom that you have always pictured me being.  I know you will be be the best Dad, and I can only imagine what a softy you will be with all of them ( hopefully we squeak out 4 lil ones) !! I can see it now-- you will just melt. 
I know what we have is so special and rare and its nothing that can even be explained in words-- I can't imagine going through this journey without you by my side and can't wait to see you become a Father.   I have seen your eyes light up the first time we saw the heart beat, and the big smiles that we get on our faces every time we talk about our lil bun in the over ( well except when we talk about names-- that never goes well- haha).  Think about all the nights before we go to bed that I have asked you " what do you think the bun is"
Up until this week you thought girl. . .. .but now you think maybe a boy. . . .WE WILL SEE!!

Our top priority is the health of the baby and I just pray everything goes well at the ultrasound.  I have imagined in my mind over and over when they ask us if we are ready to know how we will feel and what our heartbeats will be- hahah!!.  The gender reveal party on Saturday is going to be such a great memory for us to always cherish and I am so grateful for the awesome friends and family that we have who want to support and be part of Baby M's life.  Here are some of the funny thoughts I have had this week that made me laugh out loud where ever I was--
1. Wonder if we will be able to not find out and wait until everyone else finds out--- NAHHH probably not!! We have been busting at the seems for a week dying to know. You are like a kid with a piece of candy when you have something you want to squeal, and the first thing that comes to my mind was the excitement you had with my new Tacori ring-- you could hardly wait to get that sparkly thing on. 
2. Can you believe my Mom and sisters think the appointment is Friday? If they knew it was today they would be on me like white on rice trying to come up with any clue possible.
3. Wonder if we will ever agree on a full name-- my prediction is we will have to see the baby to make a decision.
4. We will be like 2 giddy kids the rest of the week waiting to bust out the news on Saturday.
5.  Ask me what I never told you after we find out the sex of the baby.

I just love you HUBS and can't wait for us to become parents together.  The thought of you changing diapers and dealing with night time feedings makes me laugh too.  I hope I do ok post baby so that you are not too overwhelmed.  Only 11 more hours- YAH for us becoming parents!!

Your Wifey

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