Thursday, March 31, 2011

BuN in the OvEn!!!

Wow! I don't even know where to start!!! Last week I thought I had some weird feelings, but not prego feelings. . .so I took a test, and it was negative. I definitely did some reasearch on what to expect when trying to and things to watch for etc, and now that I think back on the last month, there were a few things that I remember telling myself: " This is exactly what the books said- Wow". . . . .but I still was not thinking anything

Ok no big deal the test was negative, it is only my first month of just seeing what happens and honestly we have no clue about dates, timing, etc and I don't want to be one of those wives freaking out and calling her husband to come home  becasue it is the right date on my calender.

So. . . . . over the past 6 nights I have had these awful pain sessions that last about 10-15 minutes, and happen between 9pm-3am ( Steph I so wanted to call you and be like what is happening to me???).
I fly out of the bed and Pete knows one of the episodes is happening. . . .At first I thought. . maybe this is normal because my body is freaking out that it is no longer is suppression mode ( AKA the pill got axed).
So Tuesday night was ridiculous bad, and I woke up and then started freaking out telling Pete there is no way this can be normal and we need to go to the ER.
My Mom was going to be going out of town for a funeral, so then the thoughts start going through my head, what if this is appendicitis-- I will freak out if I have to have surgery.

Here is the convo with Pete and I:

H: Babe this episode is so bad. .. something is wrong
P: Babe do you want to go to the ER
H: I think we probably should. .. wait I think this episode  is about over. ..maybe it will be ok??
P: What do you think it is?
H: No clue but at this point anything but normal. . .what if is appendicitis? Crap my Mom is going out of town and you will need her to deal with me if I freak out- haha!
P: Babe you gotta tell her

So. . .the next morning I call my Mom because she has had appendicitis ( on her honeymoon no less), and I know she will give me the scoop.
My next call is to my primary care. . . .she will figure this out-- they of course wont diagnose anything over the phone, but they are thinking kidney stones, appendicitis, maybe UTI ( never had any of those, but I am desperate at this point). .  .

Then, my next though it. . .If I go to the doctor and they ask me could you be pregnant. . .what would I check???  .I  just decide to take another PG test to be sure. . .but there is no way it will be positive.
Ok, maybe the test was wrong. . .let me do a second one. . .. . .Bright purple in less than 10 seconds.
WOW- I am so prego!

My next call is to my OBGYN!  Now I am really panicking because what are these awful cramps and pain session from. . .is the baby ok? How far along am I?? Wait. . . .how did this happen-- haha!

They immediately are worried about ectopic pregnancy and so was I. . .the only thing that comforted me was knowing that my stomach area felt totally fine after the pain sessions... .no tenderness or anything.
They mentioned that probably wouldn't be the case, and that these pain sessions would not happen only at night in that case.

So, I go to the doctor, and get an internal ultrasound. . . . .there it was the little sac all nestled perfectly where it was suppose to be.. ..Then, the ultrasound technician tells me. . . .Oh my no wonder you are in so much pain your ovaries have been working overtime and they definitely released more than 1 egg--  Wait?? WHAT?? Are you saying I am having twins??? She says. . .well I don't think so, but it is too early for me to tell. . . . .
At that moment so many emotions ran through me: Fear # 1 that I am now carrying this little human being, # 2 is the baby going to be ok?  # 3 what about these pains, what are they, # 4 Is Pete going to be happy or scared like me? # 5, Total Excitement that it was that effortless for us, and that God has provided this little miracle.
Next, they checked my blood pressure. . . .needless to say it was HIGH!  Gotta work on that for next visit!

So. . .I didn't know how to contain myself because I wanted to wait till I got home to tell Pete. . . .When I first took the test in the morning I wanted to make sure everything was in the right place before I got too excited.
I had already though out how I would want to tell him. . .of course I had to throw in the H & P humor--  a bun in the oven.
So, I knew Pete would be coming home-- I had the oven all ready with a bun loaf in there.  I know when he comes home, he always makes a bee-line for the kitchen.
He walks in and goes over to the kitchen. . .I then tell him, babe check the oven for the appetizer I am making. . .he opens up the oven, looks at it for a second, looks back at me ( of course I am smiling) and then it clicks!!

I gave him this cute card with the 2 prego tests in them, and then we both were hugging, freaking out with excitement, and Pete's famous comment: " I told you it would happen on the first try" :)
Then. . .we are going to be parents sinks in :)

9pm rolls around, and the pain session starts again so Pete starts looking up online anything that I am allowed to take.. . .such a cute Dad to be!

We go back in 2 weeks for an ultrasounds, so stay tuned :)  Baby M is going to be a Turkey Baby- due November 29th

H & P

P.S -- All you ladies thinking about trying, check out this website: Taking a prego test even twice a month will probably run you about $20.  Not at  You can save big $$ and they actually pick up the HCG hormone so much earlier than in store tests, and this is why my first store bought test was negative, and the second was so instant and distinct ( see it on my card to Pete).  I never got to the ovulation strips but my best friend Steph swears by them. . .she got prego after just one month of using them.  Christie- you are next!!!
Check it out: Early Pregnancy Tests
                                                  Note to your DAD

HAHA I could not resist

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