Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 25-26

The last week was kind of a struggle for Liam and I.  We both have been sick and it seems like we just ping pong everything back and fourth.  We went to the mountains this past weekend for a little R & R.
Turns out there was not too much sleeping happening as Liam was up 2 nights in a row- boo! Poor lil guy.
We got some great family shots while we were there.

Here are some fun facts about Liam right now:
* He is all the sudden obsessed with his passy- likes to have 2-3 at a time
* He says new things everyday- his latest is when he gets up in the morning he says: milk, snack, show- YES!
* He loves some Daddy and wants to copy everything he does
* He loves anything boy- digging in the dirt, mulch, fixing things
* He says sissy but has no idea what she is.
* He does not like going to bed before 830pm and that is a struggle- he would stay up later if he let him.
* He calls us Mom, Dad, & Babe- haha!
* He does not like baths anymore- only showers
* He says his feet are chunky

Some Fun Facts about Baby Girl!

* She likes to move the most at night when I lay down
* She is pretty tiny in there
* I can only drink 1 cup of coffee with this pregnancy
* She does not have any cravings
* She is already 6 months and counting!

Bring on the Holidays- I am ready to start decorating.  We have a full social calender each week so it is going to be action packed :)

Liam's Birthday is this weekend- can't believe he is turning 2 already- times seriously flies.

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