Wednesday, October 5, 2011

32 Week Note to Little Liam!

Little Liam-
So time is closing in an you are only going to be baking in there for about 8 more weeks- hopefully you stay in the full time :)  Your Dad and I can't believe that in a few short weeks we will be parents and you will be here.  We talk about you all the time- the conversations are pretty funny actually! Just the other day we were laughing again about how I told your Dad that we had made you ( I put a big bun in the oven and his face was priceless- wish I had recorded that). You will learn that one thing about your Mommy: I have to be different and come up with unique ideas to keep it interesting.  One thing about your Dad is he at least thinks my ideas are GOOD- usually ( unless it is about shopping)
You probably won't want to know this when you are older, but your Dad is so proud of the fact that he predicted it would take one try and you would know what to do-- that is exactly what happened. Obviously we both know that God had the ultimate hand in that timing, it is just funny to watch him talk about it.  Once we found out you were a Boy, I think that pride level went up a notch :)  When we first found out we were pregnant we watched a National Geographic Documentary on the process of conception and it really amazed us how everything was perfect for your timing.
We also like to talk about who we think you will look like and what personality traits you will get from each of us.  I can tell already that you have your own personality which is so cute!  I think you are like both of us in alot of ways.  With your first ultrasound at 12 weeks, you looked like the most perfect sleeping baby, and the ultrasound tech, April, commented on how well you cooperated with her.  That makes me think you will be laid back like your Dad.  You always move for Mommy, but there are definitely a few people that I can tell you really love without a doubt- that makes me think you are like Mommy.  You are always really good at night when it comes to going to sleep.  The only thing is you wake up between 3-5am ( and about 5 other times to make me pee) but you get hungry in the middle of the night- that makes me think you will be like your Dad and have his appetite.  On the other hand, you are super cute and do this really funny thing when I wake up in the morning, you immediately start moving around as if to say.  . . "I'm awake and here Mom".  This makes me think you will be a happy little baby in the morning, which is how I always have been.  I told your Dad that most pregnant chicks have all these weird cravings and a pretty strong appetite. . . .oddly enough I haven't had any of that, and your Dad hasn't had to make any late night runs for things I want.  I told him you must have my healthy appetite and he thinks that is just because you have never been introduced to his loves of cheeseburgers, hotdogs, and other bad food.  You don't even know what that is, so little does he know, you don't crave that- haha!!
Some babies move around alot right after the Mom eats- you are the opposite and go crazy when you get hungry and before I eat.  Usually afterwards, you must be snoozing in there.
Around 27 weeks you decided there wasn't enough room and you started making Mom have these crazy contraction episodes.  I guess you got comfortable because you have stopped doing that all together- YAY!
Your movement is crazy at times and I can tell you want to go nuts in there.  We were at a baby class last night and as soon as they started talking about delivery you were like a ping pong ball-- all over the place.      " See he wants to come out"- Your Dad!
We can't wait for your arrival here soon- Your Dad and I love you probably more then we comprehend at this point, and are super excited for how our life will change with you.

As we ( me and you) finish up the last 8 weeks, I just wanted to remember all of the things that I already know you like and don't like:

You Like:
*Breakfast Food the most
*Alot of water-- I am always thirsty
*When your Dad shines the flashlight on you at night ( he read in his baby app on his IPAD that you can open your eyes now, so he likes to see what you do when he shines the light on you) its pretty cute!
*When I work out at night: I think it puts you to sleep

You Don't Like:
*When I lay on my side because it plops you to one side of me and then you cramp up
*Anything clothing wise near you since you have been low the whole time ( hence why I can't wear the belly   band)
* When I get stressed out

Your M & D

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